As much as possible, right?!?! Sometimes I think I'd love one every day! When I first moved to Westcliffe, I wasn't getting any massage. The reasons varied: I didn't know anyone who did massage. I didn't want to drive to Salida/Canon/Pueblo to get one - or really, I didn't want to drive an hour home after the massage. I chose not to spend money on it. And on and on. Anyway, after about 6 months, I finally got one. And it was wonderful. I had forgotten how good massage felt, how rejuvented I was, and how helpful it was to let go a little bit. (Plus, it inspires my own work in so many ways.) Now, I've found that getting a massage every other week works well to support me physically, mentally and emotionally.
So you've just finished getting a massage, and you are wondering when to come back. It's a frequently asked question... how do we know when it's "time" for another? Ultimately, we know our bodies best and we can ask within to find the answer. How is your body feeling now that you've had a massage? How often do you want/need this type of support? What is best for you? Is regular massage part of your self-care? Consistency is key here. When studies are done to find the benefits of massage, participants are receiving massages consistently over a period of several weeks or months. People who get "regular" massage come in once a week, every other week, or once a month. If it has been a while since your last massage and you are coming in to address something specific, I recommend starting with 1 massage every week for 2-3 weeks. Then as the body starts to integrate the massage, we can begin tapering off to twice a month, once a month, or as needed. People experiencing chronic pain will benefit from more frequent (1-2 times a week) massage over a period of time. Because each person is different, this is something we'd talk about together so that we can find what best fits for your body! I'd love to hear from you. What has been most beneficial in your experience receiving massage?
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Melissa Harth massage therapistThoughts, comments, and musings about massage therapy, the body, healing, and more. I'd love to hear from you! Archives
December 2013